Home » Summers » 2003
Summer of 2003 at Lake Sapphire
What Happened to All the Water?

Monday May 26th, The last day of vacation, we got the dock out, but need to get the raft out!
It's been cold and rainy, but we hate to go home!

It's July 4th 2003, look at the water level on the dock! The dock legs aren't even wet, too shallow for boats! Beautiful weather, 90+ degrees in the day, mid 60's at night. Great fireworks too, Thanks Mike!
July 20th, Sunset at Sapphire The days where in the 80's with low humidity. The nights got down into the low 50's.
September 12, The water is gone! It's all the way past the edge of the dock!! We have water troubles on all of our lakes check out Bloom Lake too!
Check out this closeup! We didn't even get the boats in the water this year!
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Story soon!

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